2018年约翰逊 & Wales University Zest Award- Community Leader
2009 Sapphire Honoree Profile - 立博中文版 (video)
立博中文版 Sapphire Award 2009 Press Release
Health Foundation of South Florida Press Release 2015
Health Foundation of South Florida Press Release 2016
The TD Ready Challenge awarded $1 million grant 拨款予立博中文版, 这是迈阿密湖区的一个非营利组织,为迈阿密戴德县的公立立博中文版我们的时事通讯教师和学生提供支持.
TD今天宣布6家美国公司.S. 各组织将通过2021年TD Ready挑战赛获得总计3,025,000美元的赠款. The recipients are developing innovative, 可扩展的解决方案,帮助世行从缅因州到佛罗里达州的K-12年级学生,这些学生在数学和阅读方面遭受了与大流行相关的学习损失.
Nature can often be the best teacher. That's the premise of 立博中文版 Inc.'s 可食用户外生态实验室 to Accelerate Learning program. 立博中文版 serves more than 350,000名学生和家庭和20,000 educators throughout Miami-Dade County Public Schools in Florida, which is the fourth largest school district in the United States. 根据联邦政府的资格,大约75%的学生被认为是贫困的, aid programs during the COVID pandemic, 琳达·莱赫特说, 立博中文版主席.